Crystal structure of LuVO3

We generate crystal structure of LuVO3 including the non-magnetic atoms and using a non-standard space-group setting of Pnma.


Define the lattice

luvo = spinw;
luvo.genlattice('lat_const',[5.2821 5.6144 7.5283],...
    'spgr','x+1/2,-y+1/2,-z; -x,-y,z+1/2; -x,-y,-z','label','P n m a')

% Lu atom
luvo.addatom('r',[0.003 0.031 1/4],'label','Lu1 Lu3+','color',[0 171 36])
% V atom
luvo.addatom('r',[1/2 0 0],'label','V1 V3+','S',1,'color',[166 166 171])
% O(1) atom
luvo.addatom('r',[0.082 0.487 1/4],'label','O1 O2-','color',[255 13 13])
% O(2) atom
luvo.addatom('r',[0.223 0.216 0.534],'label','O2 O2-','color',[255 13 13])


Generate Hamiltonian

We generate the spin Hamiltonian.


% Parameters the describe the experimental data in the low T phase.
Jab   =  4.24;
Jc    =  5.95;
K     =  diag([0 -0.42 -0.48]);


% The assigned the easy plane

Plot crystal structure with octahedral environment

We plot the VO6 octahedra and rotate the view.


R = sw_rotmatd([1 0 -0.2],-80);

Direct input of the magnetic structure

We input directly the antiferromagnetic structure.

luvo.genmagstr('mode','helical','S',[0 0 1]','n',[0 1 0],'k',[0 1 1]);

% Overplot the magnetic structure without replotting the crystal

Check out matparser that can change the matrices in a spinw object

We will use the spinw.matparser mothod to parameterize the Hamiltonian. These will be out fitting parameters later. After calling matparser, we can check the resulting matrices using the spinw.table method.

x1 = [4.24 5.95 -0.46 -0.48];
luvo.matparser('param',x1,'mat',{'Jab' 'Jc' 'K(2,2)' 'K(3,3)'},'init',true)

ans =

  3×6 table

    matrix             Mx                     My                     Mz                 type         assigned
    ______    ____________________    ___________________    ___________________    _____________    ________

    'Jab'     4.24       0       0    0     4.24        0    0        0     4.24    'Heisenberg'     'bond'  
    'Jc'      5.95       0       0    0     5.95        0    0        0     5.95    'Heisenberg'     'bond'  
    'K'          0       0       0    0    -0.46        0    0        0    -0.48    'anisotropic'    'aniso' 

Fit experimental spin wave dispersion

We use the spinw.fitspec command to fit experimental data stored in the LuVO3_fitted_modes.txt' file. For details on the file format check sw_readspec, for details on the fitting check spinw.fitspec. To switch of the timer function we use the swpref.setpref command setting tid to 0. The fitspec command similarly to all other commands accept a struct instead of a list of optionname value pairs. We also slightly change the input of spinw.matparser, fitting K(1,1) and K(2,2) and restricting them to positive values. This ensures that the magnetic structure (parallel to c-axis) is always the right ground state. The data file is stored here: Please save it with the name LuVO3_fitted_modes.txt into a location that is visible to Matlab.

perf = swpref;
pref.tid = 0;

par_fit          = struct;
par_fit.datapath = 'LuVO3_fitted_modes.txt';

par_fit.Evect    = linspace(0,45,71);
par_fit.func     = @(obj,p)matparser(obj,'param',p,...
                    'mat',{'Jab' 'Jc' 'K(1,1)' 'K(2,2)'},'init',true);

par_fit.xmin      = [ 3   1  0   0    ];
par_fit.xmax      = [ 9  10  1   1    ];
%par_fit.x0        = [ 6   4  0.1 0.04 ];
par_fit.plot      = true;
par_fit.hermit    = false;
par_fit.optimizer = 'pso';
par_fit.maxiter   = 10;
par_fit.optmem    = 1;
par_fit.nrun      = 5;

fitStr = luvo.fitspec(par_fit);
Warning: Convergence is not reached! 
Warning: Convergence is not reached! 
Warning: Convergence is not reached! 
Warning: Convergence is not reached! 
Warning: Convergence is not reached! 

Check the calculated spin wave spectrum

After fitting, the best result is stored in the spinw object. The data includes 2 straight lines in reciprocal space: (0,1,L) and (0,1+K,3+K). We tile the two scans together onto the same plot using a bit of Matlab coding.

Q1 = [0 1.0 2.0];
Q2 = [0 1.0 3.0];
Q3 = [0 1.5 3.5];

spec = luvo.spinwave({Q1 Q2 Q3 501});

spec = sw_egrid(spec);


% Plot over the experimental data after loading the data.
T = sw_readtable('LuVO3_fitted_modes.txt');

% List of Q values from data.
Q = [[T(:).QH];[T(:).QK];[T(:).QL]]';
% List of energy values from data.
w1 = [T(:).EN1];
w2 = [T(:).EN2];
% We remove  zero energy points.
w2(w2==0) = nan;

% (0,1,L) line
Qabs = sqrt(sum((bsxfun(@minus,Q(1:10,:),[0 1 2])*luvo.rl).^2,2));

% (0,1+K,3+K) line
Qabs2 = sqrt(sum((bsxfun(@minus,Q(11:end,:),[0 1 3])*luvo.rl).^2,2));
Qabs = [Qabs; Qabs2 + sqrt(sum(([0 0 1]*luvo.rl).^2))];

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