Handles are equal if they are handles for the same object and are 
unequal otherwise.
H1 ~= H2 performs element-wise comparisons between handle arrays H1 
and H2.  H1 and H2 must be of the same dimensions unless one is a 
scalar.  The result is a logical array of the same dimensions, where 
each element is an element-wise equality result.
If one of H1 or H2 is scalar, scalar expansion is performed and the 
result will match the dimensions of the array that is not scalar.
TF = NE(H1, H2) stores the result in a logical array of the same
See also SWPREF, SWPREF/EQ, SWPREF/GE, SWPREF/GT, SWPREF/LE, SWPREF/LT Help for swpref/ne is inherited from superclass HANDLE
Reference page in Doc Center
   doc swpref/ne