Ferromagnetic kagome lattice

We create the kagome lattice with up to 4th neighbor interactions. The symmetry related atoms are denoted by MCu1(i)_j, where i is the index of independent atomic positions, j is the index of the generated atomic positions of the i-th independent position.


Define the lattice

kagome4 = spinw;
kagome4.genlattice('lat_const',[6 6 8],'angled',[90 90 120],'spgr','P -3');
kagome4.addatom('r', [1/2 0 0],'S', 1,'label','MCu1','color','r');
disp('Atomic positions:')
Atomic positions:

ans =

  3×4 table

    matom     idx    S           pos       
    ______    ___    _    _________________

    'MCu1'     1     1    0.5      0      0
    'MCu1'     2     1      0    0.5      0
    'MCu1'     3     1    0.5    0.5      0

Define Hamiltonian

We add couplings up to 4th neighbor interactions. If the generation of the bond tables would depend on distance, J3a, J3b and J3c would be equivalent. However using the 'P -3' space group the three type of bonds are inequivalent, as physically expected in real systems (J3a goes through an intermediate magnetic atom, while the other two bonds are not).


kagome4.addmatrix('label','J2','value', 0.10,'color','r')
kagome4.addmatrix('label','J3a','value', 0.00,'color','orange')
kagome4.addmatrix('label','J3b','value', 0.17,'color','b')
kagome4.addmatrix('label','J3c','value', 0.00,'color','purple')


% The first neighbor bonds will be shown as dashed lines. This is automatic
% when the matrix labels ends with a minus sign.
plot(kagome4,'range',[2 2 1],'bondMode','line','bondLineWidth0',2)

ans =

  21×10 table

    idx    subidx          dl                   dr             length    matom1    idx1    matom2    idx2        matrix    
    ___    ______    ______________    ____________________    ______    ______    ____    ______    ____    ______________

     1       1        0     1     0       0     0.5       0        3     'MCu1'     3      'MCu1'     1      ''    ''    ''
     1       2        0    -1     0    -0.5    -0.5       0        3     'MCu1'     1      'MCu1'     2      ''    ''    ''
     1       3        0     0     0     0.5       0       0        3     'MCu1'     2      'MCu1'     3      ''    ''    ''
     1       4        0     0     0       0    -0.5       0        3     'MCu1'     3      'MCu1'     1      ''    ''    ''
     1       5        1     0     0     0.5     0.5       0        3     'MCu1'     1      'MCu1'     2      ''    ''    ''
     1       6       -1     0     0    -0.5       0       0        3     'MCu1'     2      'MCu1'     3      ''    ''    ''
     2       1        1    -1     0     0.5    -0.5       0    5.196     'MCu1'     1      'MCu1'     2      ''    ''    ''
     2       2        0     1     0     0.5       1       0    5.196     'MCu1'     2      'MCu1'     3      ''    ''    ''
     2       3       -1     0     0      -1    -0.5       0    5.196     'MCu1'     3      'MCu1'     1      ''    ''    ''
     2       4        0     0     0    -0.5     0.5       0    5.196     'MCu1'     1      'MCu1'     2      ''    ''    ''
     2       5       -1    -1     0    -0.5      -1       0    5.196     'MCu1'     2      'MCu1'     3      ''    ''    ''
     2       6        1     1     0       1     0.5       0    5.196     'MCu1'     3      'MCu1'     1      ''    ''    ''
     3       1        0     1     0       0       1       0        6     'MCu1'     1      'MCu1'     1      ''    ''    ''
     3       2       -1    -1     0      -1      -1       0        6     'MCu1'     2      'MCu1'     2      ''    ''    ''
     3       3        1     0     0       1       0       0        6     'MCu1'     3      'MCu1'     3      ''    ''    ''
     4       1        0     1     0       0       1       0        6     'MCu1'     2      'MCu1'     2      ''    ''    ''
     4       2       -1    -1     0      -1      -1       0        6     'MCu1'     3      'MCu1'     3      ''    ''    ''
     4       3        1     0     0       1       0       0        6     'MCu1'     1      'MCu1'     1      ''    ''    ''
     5       1        0     1     0       0       1       0        6     'MCu1'     3      'MCu1'     3      ''    ''    ''
     5       2       -1    -1     0      -1      -1       0        6     'MCu1'     1      'MCu1'     1      ''    ''    ''
     5       3        1     0     0       1       0       0        6     'MCu1'     2      'MCu1'     2      ''    ''    ''

Magnetic structure

For strong FM 1str neighbour and weak further neighbor interaction the ground state is ferromagnetic.

kagome4.genmagstr('mode','helical','k',[0 0 0],'n',[0 1 0],'S',[0 1 0]');
disp('Magnetic structure:')
plot(kagome4,'range',[2 2 1],'bondMode','line','bondLineWidth0',3,...
Magnetic structure:

ans =

  3×7 table

    num    matom     idx    S     realFhat             pos              kvect   
    ___    ______    ___    _    ___________    _________________    ___________

     1     'MCu1'     1     1    0    1    0    0.5      0      0    0    0    0
     2     'MCu1'     2     1    0    1    0      0    0.5      0    0    0    0
     3     'MCu1'     3     1    0    1    0    0.5    0.5      0    0    0    0

Ground state energy: -1.630 meV/spin.

Spin wave dispersion

kag4Spec = kagome4.spinwave({[-1/2 0 0] [0 0 0] [1/2 1/2 0] 200});
kag4Spec = sw_neutron(kag4Spec);
kag4Spec = sw_egrid(kag4Spec,'Evect',linspace(0,6.5,100)) ;
sw_plotspec(kag4Spec,'mode',1,'axLim',[0 8],'colorbar',false,'colormap',[0 0 0])
Warning: To make the Hamiltonian positive definite, a small omega_tol value was
added to its diagonal! 

Powder averaged spectrum

kag4Pow = kagome4.powspec(linspace(0,2.5,100),'Evect',linspace(0,7,250),...
sw_plotspec(kag4Pow,'axLim',[0 0.2],'colorbar',true)
Written by
Bjorn Fak & Sandor Toth
06-Jun-2014, 06-Feb-2017