optm = optmagstr(obj,Name,Value)
optm = optmagstr(obj,Name,Value)
is a general magnetic structure
optimizer that as the name suggests is general however usually less
efficient than spinw.optmagk or spinw.optmagsteep. However this
function enables the usage of constraint functions to improve the
optimization. This function is most usefull if there is 1-2 parameters
that has to be optimized, such as a canting angle of the spins in
magnetic field. To optimize large number of spin angles
spinw.optmagsteep might be faster.
The example determines the propagation vector of the ground state of the triangular lattice antiferromagnet. The magnetic structure is constrained to be planar in the \(xy\)-plane. The gm_planard constraint function is used where the first 3 parameter determined the propagation vector, followed by the polar angles of the magnetic moments (here there is only 1 magnetic moment in the unit cell) which is fixed to 0. Finally the last 2 parameters corresponds to the polar angles of the normal to the spin-plane which is the \(z\)-axis (\(\theta=0\), \(\varphi=0\)). The optimized magnetic structure is plotted.
tri = sw_model('triAF',1)
X1 = [0 0 0 0 0 0]
X2 = [0 1/2 1/2 0 0 0]
optRes = tri.optmagstr('func',@gm_planard,'xmin',X1,'xmax',X2)
km = optRes.x(1:3)
km =
0 0.3333 0.3333

Input Arguments
- spinw object.
Name-Value Pair Arguments
- Function that produces the spin orientations, propagation vector and
normal vector from the optimization parameters and has the following
argument list:
[M, k, n] = @(x)func(M0, x)
is matrix with dimensions of \([3\times n_{magExt}]\),k
is the propagation vector (row vector with 3 elements),n
is the normal vector of the spin rotation plane (row vector with 3 elements). The default value is@gm_spherical3d
. For planar magnetic structures use@gm_planar
. 'xmin'
- Lower limit of the optimisation parameters.
- Upper limit of the optimisation parameters.
- Starting value of the optimisation parameters. If empty or undefined, then random values are used within the given limits.
- Boundary conditions of the magnetic cell:
Free, interactions between extedned unit cells are omitted.'per'
Periodic, interactions between extended unit cells are retained.
Default value is
{'per' 'per' 'per'}
. 'epsilon'
- The smallest value of incommensurability that is tolerated without warning. Default value is \(10^{-5}\).
- Number of runs. If random starting parameters are given, the
optimisation process will be rerun
times and the best result (lowest ground state energy per spin) will be kept. 'title'
- Gives a title string to the simulation that is saved in the output.
- Determines if the elapsed and required time for the calculation is
displayed. The default value is determined by the
preference stored in swpref. The following values are allowed (for more details see sw_timeit):0
No timing is executed.1
Display the timing in the Command Window.2
Show the timing in a separat pup-up window.
Limits on selected prameters
Limits can be given on any input parameter of the constraint function by
giving the name of the parameter. For parameter names see the help of the
used constraint function. Limits per optimization parameter can be given
in the following format: optmagstr('ParName',[min max],...)
. For example
to fix the nTheta
value of gm_planar during the optimisation to zero
use: optmagstr(obj,'func',@gm_planar,'nTheta',[0 0])
Optimisation parameters
The optimization parameters are identical to the input options of the Matlab built-in optimizer fminsearch.
- Minimum change of
when convergence reached, default value is \(10^{-4}\). 'tolfun'
- Minimum change of the \(R\) value when convergence reached, default value is \(10^{-5}\).
- Maximum number of function evaluations, default value is \(10^7\).
- Maximum number of iterations, default value is \(10^4\).
Output Arguments
- Struct type variable with the following fields:
spinw object that contains the optimised magnetic structure.x
Optimised paramters in a row vector with \(n_{par}\) number of elements.fname
Name of the contraint function.xname
Cell containing the name of the \(x\) parameters with \(n_{par}\) elements.e
Energy per spin in the optimised structure.exitflag
Exit flag of the optimisation code, see fminsearch.output
Detailed output of the optimisation code, see fminsearch.param
Input parameters, stored in a struct.
See Also
spinw | spinw.anneal | gm_spherical3d | gm_planar | [fminsearch]