plots objects to swplot figure



hFigure = swplot.plot(Name,Value)


swplot.plot(Name,Value) plots objects to the swplot figure and adds the objects to the hgtransform object. This command enables the plotting of multiple objects simultaneously while enabling fine control of color, legend test, tooltip text etc. This commands is used by the spinw.plot high level plot command.

Name-Value Pair Arguments

Type of object to plot in a string. Possible options are:
  • 'arrow' position specifies start and end points,
  • 'ellipsoid' position specifies center,
  • 'cylinder' position specifies start and end points,
  • 'polyhedron' position specifies the vertices of the convex polyhedron or polygon,
  • 'circle' position specifies center and normal vector,
  • 'line' position specifies start and end points (or any number of points per curve),
  • 'text' position specifies the center of the text.
Position of the object/objects in a matrix with dimensions of or or depending on the type of object. The unit of the positions is determined by the unit parameter.
String, the name of the object. It can be used for grouping the object handles to enable easier search, see swplot.findobj for details.
Text to appear in the tooltip of the swplot figure after clicking on the object. Can be a string that will be the same for all objects, or a cell of strings for different text per object. Default value is taken from the label option.
Text to appear in the legend in a string for the same text of all objects or strings in a cell with number of elements for multiple objects. Default value is taken from the name parameter.
Type of legend to show the object:
  • 0 do not show in legend,
  • 1 colored box in legend,
  • 2 dashed box in legend,
  • 3 colored sphere in legend.
Color of objects, either a single color or as many colors as many objects are given in a matrix with dimensions of or . Colors are RGB triplets with values between 0 and
  1. Can be also string or cell of strings with the name of the colors, for possible color names see swplot.color. Default value is 'red'.
Transparency of objects (1: non-transparent, 0: transparent) defined as a single number for uniform transparency or as a row vector with number of elements to set transparency per object. Default value is 1.
String that determines the coordinate system where position vectors are defined:
  • 'lu' Lattice units are used where the lattice is defined by the stored basis (default).
  • 'xyz' Use the original Matlab units.
Handle of the swplot figure, default is the active figure.
Radius value of cylinder, sphere (if no 'T' parameter is given) and arrow, default value is 0.06.
Angle for arrow head in degree, default value is 15°.
Length of the arrow head, default value is 0.5.
Transformation matrix that transforms a unit sphere to the ellipse via: R' = T(:,:,i)*R, stored in a matrix with dimensions of .
Line style, default value is '-' for continuous lines. It can be also a vector with as many elements as many line segments. In this case the numbers are equivalent to the following style format string:
  • 1 '-',
  • 2 '--',
  • 3 '-.',
  • 4 ':',
  • 5 'none'.
Line width, default value is 0.5, can be a vector with columns for different width per line segment.
Font size of text in pt when type parameter is set to 'text'. Default value is stored in swpref.getpref('fontsize').
Resolution of the ellipse surface mesh. Integer number that is used to generate an icosahedron mesh with nMesh number of additional subdivision of triangular surfaces. Default value is stored in swpref.getpref('nmesh').
Number of points on the curve for arrow and cylinder, default value is stored in swpref.getpref('npatch').
If true, the tooltip will be switched on after the plot. Default is true.
If true, all objects with the same name as the new plot will be deleted before plotting. Default is false.
User supplied data per object that will be stored in the swplot figure and can be retrieved using swplot.getdata. It is stored in a cell with number of elements.
If true, the average center of the plot objects will be translated to the figure center. Default is true.
If true, the swplot figure will be zoomed to make the plot objects cover the full figure. Default is true.

See Also

swplot.color | swplot.add