
plot(obj,Name,Value) hFigure = plot(obj,Name,Value)


plot(obj,Name,Value) plots the atoms and couplings stored in obj onto an [swplot] figure (see swplot.figure). The generated 3D plot can be rotated using the mouse and panning works by keeping the Ctrl/Control button pressed. There is information about every object on the figure (here called tooltips) that is shown when clicked on the object. The 3D view direction can be changed programatically using swplot.view while translations are controlled using the swplot.translate. Arbitrary transformation (combination of rotation and translation) can be introduced using the swplot.transform. All these transformation act as a global transformation, relative transformation of the 3D objects is only possible at creation by defining the transformed coordinates.

The spinw.plot function calls several high level plot routines to draw the different types of objects: swplot.plotatom (atoms), swplot.plotmag (magnetic moments), swplot.plotion (single ion properties), swplot.plotbond (bonds), swplot.plotbase (basis vectors) and swplot.plotcell (unit cells).

The high level spinw.plot function can send send parameters to any of the above plot group functions. The paramer name has to be of the format: ['plot group name' 'group option']. For example to set the color option of the cell (change the color of the unit cell) use the option ‘cellColor’. In this case spinw.plot will call the swplot.plotcell function with the color parameter set to the given value. For all the possible group plot function options see the corresponding help.

It is possible to switch off calling any of the subfunctions by using the option ['plot group name' 'mode'] set to 'none'. For example to skip plotting of the atoms set the 'atomMode' parameter to 'none': spinw.plot('atomMode','none').

Name-Value Pair Arguments

These are global options, that each plot group function recognizes, these global options can be added without the group name.

Plotting range of the lattice parameters in lattice units, in a matrix with dimensions of \([3\times 2]\). For example to plot the first unit cell, use: [0 1;0 1;0 1]. Also the number unit cells can be given along the \(a\), \(b\) and \(c\) directions, e.g. [2 1 2], this is equivalent to [0 2;0 1;0 2]. Default value is the single unit cell.
Unit in which the range is defined. It can be the following string:
  • 'lu' Lattice units (default).
  • 'xyz' Cartesian coordinate system in Å units.
Handle of the [swplot] figure. Default is the active figure.
Whether to add legend to the plot, default value is true, for details see swplot.legend.
Font size of the atom labels in pt units, default value is stored in swpref.getpref('fontsize').
Resolution of the ellipse surface mesh. Integer number that is used to generate an icosahedron mesh with \(n_{mesh}\) number of additional triangulation, default value is stored in swpref.getpref('nmesh').
Number of points on the curve for the arrows and cylinders, default value is stored in swpref.getpref('npatch').
If true, the tooltips will be shown when clicking on the plot. Default value is true.
Column vector with 3 elements, all objects will be shifted by the given value. Default value is [0;0;0].
Replace previous plot if true. Default value is true.
If true, all plot objects will be translated to the figure center. Default is true.
If true, figure will be automatically zoomed to the ideal scale. Default value is true.

See Also

swplot.plotatom | swplot.plotmag | swplot.plotion | swplot.plotbond | swplot.plotbase | swplot.plotcell